A License To Drive

A License To Drive

Q At what point in the sales process is it appropriate to obtain a copy of the customer’s driver’s license?

A Typically, the sales professional asks for a copy of the customer’s driver’s license after the salesperson and the customer locate a vehicle that meets the customer’s needs and the customer wants to drive it.

Making a copy of the driver’s license is not only a standard practice; it is also a sound business procedure for several reasons:
* Ensures that the customer has a valid license.
* Verifies that the customer is who he or she claims to be.
* Provides a search tool for dealership management if something goes wrong.

Most insurance companies want a copy of the driver’s license in order to extend coverage while the customer test-drives a vehicle. Further, some lenders require a copy of the customer’s driver’s license as part of the lending packet.

A driver’s license copy is subject to the protection afforded documents classified as NPI (Non-Public Information) under the Safeguards Rule. The sales manager should secure the license copy in a closed file jacket.

In the event that the customer is visually impaired and requires a driver, you will want to follow the same procedure for the driver who accompanies the customer to the dealership.

As identity theft proliferates, precaution is the watchword. Make it your business to treat your customers’ non-public information with great care.

“Kelly’s Korner”, OIADA Squeaky Wheel Newsletter, August 2006