Thanks for the Lemon Aid

Thanks for the Lemon Aid

One of life’s lessons includes, “Think before you bark,” and if you enjoy lemonade, remember it is made with the aid of lemons. F&I bounty is brought to us by the efforts of sales personnel (including the deals with little hope, as well as the deals that have skinny profits structures).

An F&I office is not made up of any one deal. It takes all the deals and every effort to make a great month. I often tell dealers that F&I can turn a “no way deal” into a “some day” deal. We can nurture a weak profit into a stronger profit. Our efforts can make a good deal into a great deal. We are uniquely positioned to secure the relationship between the dealership and the customer.

One of the secrets to F&I success is the backing of our sales personnel. Be sure to thank them for every opportunity. After all, it has taken them some amount of time investment with the customer to get them to come this far.

Yes, we all get tired. Yes, we have a tendency to grouse when we are fatigued. If you find yourself or your colleagues falling into the doldrums, just think “lemon aid.” Lemons alone can be sour; however, when you mix the juice with water and sugar, you have a delightful summer beverage.

People are similar; sometimes we need to mix them with something to sweeten them up. Most of the time the key ingredients are a dash of patience blended with a bit of understanding. Seeing life from the other side can lead to better working relationships and increase our opportunities to succeed.

As the holiday season approaches, please join me in giving thanks for all the opportunities we are given by all the people we meet along the road of life. May all of us gain from good friends, a loving family, and of course, great deals!

World of Special Finance, November 2006